Become a Volunteer

Luzerne County Court Appointed Special Advocate Program
CASA Volunteer Description of Advocacy Duties
To act as an advocate, in accordance with the PA Juvenile Act (Title 42 Act PA C.S. Sec. 6301 et. seq.), for children who come to the attention of the court primarily as a result of abuse and/or neglect.
Volunteers must be at least twenty-one years of age and must successfully complete screening requirements including a written application, personal interview, at least three personal references and criminal background investigations. CASA volunteers shall be recruited and accepted into the Program without regard to gender, disabilities, age (21 or older), race or other condition.
For more information on becoming a volunteer please contact:
CASA of Luzerne County
22 E. Union Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Work: 570-855-2247
Cell: 570-855-2566